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a legal entity, delivering goods or services under deferred payment terms
a legal entity, buying goods or services and obliging itself to pay the value of the delivery on a defined future date
a financial institution, licensed to offer factoring services
the amount, which the supplier is entitled to receive from the payer as a result of validly made delivery of goods or services on a defined future date
Invoice Maturity
the date on which the invoiced amount should be paid by the buyer
Cession / Assignment of receivables
transfer of the right of ownership of receivables, originating from delivery of goods and/or rendering of services;
Notification for Assignment of Receivables
written notification by a supplier/seller to a payer/buyer as regards the assignment of receivables in favour of a factor company
written confirmation by a buyer/payer to the factor company as regards the former’s consent to the receivables’ assignment;
Financing of receivables
advance payment against assigned receivables up to a defined maximum percentage of the receivables’ value;
Maximum percentage of financing
the maximum percentage of advance payment, which the Factor may effect, expressed as a percentage of the receivable’s value
Right of recourse
the right of the Factor to demand refund of the advance payment, made to an account of the Supplier, upon the Payer’s non-payment on the invoice maturity date
Coverage of the non-payment risk
Maximum risk coverage percentage
the maximum percentage of the receivable’s value, up to which the Factor accepts to cover the risk of the Payer’s non-payment
Financing of receivables
advance payment against assigned receivables up to a defined maximum percentage of the receivables’ value;